
Eaton County needs a voice and a vote in Lansing that protects our most precious freedoms in the republic. Our most fundamental God-given freedoms are under attack in Lansing. Governments role is not to limit, control, or even provide civil freedoms. The role of proper government is to recognize, respect and protect the God-given freedoms of every individual. I will vote every time to protect your God-given rights, and join with others to forge common-sense solutions that protect our citizens – and their rights. I will stand strong against the tyranny in Lansing and stand up for what is right. Remember, when Freedom of Speech and Religious Freedom were assaulted in the House of Representatives last June, my opponent voted to trample your rights with HB 4474. Last April feckless leadership in Lansing treated your rights with severe contempt and took the another opportunity to constrict your 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms. As par, when this government overreach was presented, my opponent voted yet again to restrict the rights of every resident in this district.

I stand for parents’ rights to direct their child’s education and medical care not the state, and I will continue to stand in Lansing for families, to protect the fundamental rights of parents and children in Eaton County. Parents’ rights are being challenged across the state. Here in Eaton County, education freedom, and the natural and fundamental right of parents to determine and direct the care and education of their children is under attack. Major hospital networks in Michigan are kicking parents out of adolescent/teenager exam rooms after being told that the children are old enough to make medical decisions on their own, and that minor children must get consent for parents to stay in exam rooms, make medical decisions, or acquire medical records. We must stand up as parents, and we must protect our children!

Landowners are under attack in Lansing. The freedom of property ownership should not be unreasonably burdened by bureaucrats in Lansing. When any limitations are required on land use, the only free and fair remedy is to have the smallest and most local forms of representative government steward the responsibility of zoning control in order to protect the rights of each property owner. When HB 5121 proposed a state take over of local zoning control for utility-scale wind and solar farms, my opponent voted to take away local property rights. I will stand strong in Lansing to strengthen local government in Eaton County and give representation that stands for the rights of every landowner, protects our farmland, and protects local governments ability to do their job.

Families like mine are face great challenges to make ends meet and are deeply concerned about the future our children will inherit. From the grocery store to the gas pump the real cost of living continues to increase. Parents live it every time they have to make a choice between diapers and date-night. The cost just to provide for basic needs is overtaking the dreams of a generation to provide a bright hope and future for the next. Our elderly are impacted as many have to make real choices between essential medicines and their utility bills. As our children move into young adults, they feel this economic pressure everytime they contemplate their future plans. We have to take common-sense action in Lansing to secure the future of our families and the prosperity of generations. We need to take the limits off of families and small business so that every hard-working citizen in Eaton County can win again in the workplace and the marketplace, and forge a way forward given by God, not big government.